Scattered Puzzle Pieces

Do I attempt in vain

To gather my life back together

Gluing the broken pieces

Of my shattered puzzle life

Do I throw them to the wind

Leaving them to land where fate may have

Walking away, giving it all up

To try and regain my thought and focus

Will I climb out of the grave I’ve dug

Or will I reach the top

Only to dive back down

Into the depths of my sin

Fulfilling my fleshy desire

Or maybe I’ll just stay here

Sitting on this ledge

Looking both up and down

Wondering which way to climb

Yet never moving from

My perch of indifference

Forgotten Child

Just like this it always happens

For a season, joy overflows

Then it strikes, fear of the unknown

The walls begin to compress

Slowly suffocating breath

The one lost years ago

Is one no longer known

Memories are not golden

When innocence is stolen

Never to be redeemed

Left forever unclean

Restlessness it’s replace

Falling again from grace

Seeds Sown

I’ve hit the end

It’s killing me

There’s nothing left

Is that so hard to see

I live the lifestyle

That ends in destruction

I seem to be blinded

By some kind of obstruction

I continue to search

For what I don’t know

I sometimes sit and wonder

Where did all the seeds go?

They were planted and cared for

Then destroyed in their prime.

They will regrow someday

But in their own time

I pray they’ll come back

With fruit to bear

So people can see

The salvation they share

Then the word will spread

And more seed they’ll sow

How it came about

Only the sower will know.


Silent Scream

There’s a child hidden there

Whose never been released

Masked by years of hurt

And a pain-that never ceased

For this she cried silently

Noiselessly screaming out her hate

Locked inside her heart

Are many desires that fill

Should she ever get them

The obtainment would kill

She sobbed deeply for her loss

Screaming loudly for eternal sleep

Crimson red color brilliance

Staining velvet petals of rose

Piercing silver driving deep

Her heart longing for it’s love

Spilling forth trickling liquid

Petal stained wrists of white

Darkness slowly devouring her life

And in that final scream

Her soul found it’s beloved.